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PERIOD PIONEER: Q&A with Founder of Good Blood

Meet one of our Period Powerful Pioneers! Get inspired by Emily Hoyle, who started period power project, Good Blood.

There are plenty of ways to challenge the outdated period taboo; you can choose to talk openly about your period, stand with those challenging the taboo, or kick-start a project to tackle this head-on.

That’s what inspirational period pioneer Emily Hoyle chose to do. If you’ve not yet seen her work, then here’s the lowdown. Good Blood supply a range of badges and tees that ‘symbolise the mensies’. These are some seriously cool designs. Use them to signify to others that you’re on your period. But how did this project come about?

Here’s what Emily had to say:

What is Good Blood?

“Good Blood is fundamentally a period power project”.

How did you get the idea for Good Blood?

“The idea grew from a personal experience of excruciating period pains. For years I had been taking the contraception pill, later moving onto the mini pill, and it stopped my menstrual cycle. I decided that I no longer wanted to use that form of contraception as I felt it was having negative effects on my hormones. It was altering my mood and making me feel numb. After years without my period, as an adult, I had to adjust to having a menstrual cycle again. Like a superhero movie sequel, the cramps and pain returned with a vengeance. I was stood on the train commuting to London and the pain struck. I started to worry that I was going to faint and so I grabbed on to the nearest rail.

It was this experience that inspired the Good Blood badge. A badge you can wear when you are menstruating to signal to your fellow commuters that you’re suffering and hopefully they will offer you a seat.”

Why wear a Good Blood badge?

“This badge, a signal of the time-of-the-month, is also a signal of period power. The symbols are a bloody peach and red wave. For Good Blood is not singularly about inspiring empathy for people who suffer with period pains but also to break the silence surrounding menstruation. “

What do you hope to achieve with this ‘period power’ project?

“The hope is to remove the shame and stigma and replace it with pride and power – and it starts with a conversation. Talking without judgement to women about their unique menstrual experiences is the first step. Good Blood has contributed to the opening up of conversations. I wear the badge not only to say, “hey I’m suffering with PMS or period pains” but also to say “talk to me about blood and stuff”, I won’t judge. Our bodies and experiences have taught me that periods are powerful. Blood is good.”
Together we can smash the shame, and start important conversations about periods. The more we talk, the more we learn. You can find out more about Good Blood and order a badge for yourself here, or keep up with the latest from Good Blood on Instagram. Emily is one of our Period Powerful Pioneers for 2018, therefore, you can expect more from Emily very soon on the TOTM blog and socials (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter).

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