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How to manage your period at work

Close-up of TOTM's organic cotton medium cardboard applicator tampon wrapper in the hand of a young white female

There are many things we can do to make managing your period at work more bearable.

It’s that time of the month. You’re grumpy, agitated, hungry 24/7, tired and all you want to do is hibernate under a huge duvet until it’s all over. The last thing you want to do is get out of bed and contribute to society by spending the day on your period at work.

Well, I’m here to (hopefully) help you make your next period more bearable. Let’s not be prisoners of menstruation. Let’s stop letting our time of the month dictate our lives. Let’s stop dreading our period. Let’s take back control.

Plan, plan, plan

First off, make sure you’re prepared for your period. Keep track with a calendar or diary. You’ll be able to predict when you are due on, so you aren’t caught off guard at work (or school). None of us want that sense of panic, where we realise mother nature’s left her ‘monthly gift’ and we are not prepared. We always have our phones, purses etc on us, so why not keep some tampons or pads in our bags, just in case? Or, stock your drawers at work full of the products you use. That way, you know for certain you’ll never get caught out! You can also pack them with other essentials such as heat pads, painkillers and seaweed (this is SO high in iron). Trust me, you will thank yourself when that time of the month does arrive.

Move more, sit less

Cue the eye rolls! I know you don’t want to. But please believe me when I say this will help! Get up on your lunch break and take a stroll. Even if it is to the shops to pick up some pineapple. The two combined will counteract the dreaded cramps. Plus, staring at your screen the whole day will only make you feel more tired and agitated. Getting some fresh air will re-energise you. This will leave you feeling refreshed and ready to attack work again upon your return.

Satisfaction is the way

Where possible, prioritise tasks that will leave you feeling satisfied and organised. This will leave you feeling more uplifted then doing tedious, stressful jobs. If you wake up feeling agitated or angry, give yourself jobs such as filing, invoicing and organising. I love feeling organised, it always makes me feel less frustrated. So, if I’m in a bad mood, I always go for these types of jobs. This is very dependent on what your job is, but you get the jist.

Feeling hot, hot, hot…

Heat is your best friend. Stock up on heat pads or brew yourself up a herbal tea that you can rest on your lap. The good thing about heat pads is how subtle they are. That means you can pop one under you clothes and still attend any important meetings.

Mix it up

Try opting for clothing that’s a bit more on the comfy side. If you are someone who always opts for a tight skirt and some heels, why not mix it up? Now, I’m not saying turn up to work in a head-to-toe tracksuit. But, why not opt for some smart black flat shoes teamed with smart black trousers? This will give you a bit more added comfort. Also, I love trousers because they give you that extra room for your bloat to sit comfortably.

I’d love to hear your tips for managing your period at work. Tweet me @totmorganic or leave a comment below!

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