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Organic Tampons: “I noticed a difference…”

Close-up of a brunette female holding a TOTM organic cotton cardboard applicator super tampon in wrapper with her hand over her mouth

Will you notice a difference when switching to organic cotton tampons? We put this ‘frequently asked question’ to one of our customers to get a real-life answer.

Natasha Williams is a loyal TOTM Customer and supporter. Here she explains why she chose to switch from mainstream to organic, and the differences she noticed:

“So, I made the switch to using organic cotton tampons and sanitary towels about 6 months ago. I found a few brands on the high street that dabbled with the words organic and cotton but would soon realise they were not 100% the real deal. From a random google search, I found TOTM… and this is where my story begins.

Why did I want to switch to organic tampons?

My main reason for wanting to switch over to organic cotton was that I was taking the steps to lead a more non-toxic lifestyle (I’m not there yet, but there has been progress). My hair is my crown (my whole Instagram is dedicated to my hair). I only use natural products when it comes to my hair and sometimes I make my own to ensure I know exactly what I’m putting onto my hair. I was not doing the same for everything else though like my skincare products, household cleaning products and of course feminine hygiene and intimate products. So, I switched it ALL UP.

I had read about all the nasties in the popular well-known tampon brands and I was genuinely shocked. I could not understand why so many nasties were in these products. Why is this information not more public? I had to do my own research to find out more about these ingredients and I just decided that my lady area deserved better.

Noticing a difference…

I didn’t expect to notice any difference when I started using the TOTM range, I was just happy knowing that I was using products that were not going to be harmful. I was taking another step in the right direction to living a cleaner lifestyle.

To my surprise I have noticed two major differences when having my period:


I would feel irritation when using conventional tampons, but I just accepted it was that ‘time of the month’ and I did not really pay any real attention to it.  I would just assume that I was using the wrong absorbency (although that never solved the problem). Since switching over to organic tampons I have experienced no irritation whatsoever – which is amazing!

My period is shorter

Before I switched, my periods used to last 5 maybe 6 days (and that was a good month). Sometimes my period would last 7 days. Since switching to organic, my period lasts for approx. 3-4 days! I know this sounds crazy and untrue but I’m being serious. At first, I just thought it was a fluke but then it happened the following month and then the following. You get the picture. I mean if that is not a reason to switch over to organic tampons then I don’t know what is.

Organic is the way forward

When I first switched to organic tampons I didn’t expect to see that much of a difference, but after noticing these differences it’s a real eye-opener. I would never go back to conventional high-street brands.

I have a 9-year-old daughter who has kind of started her period (I know she is only 9 and I want to cry). I will never let her use the chemical-ridden products that are on the market. With a clued-up mum on her side, she will only ever use 100% organic cotton products.

TOTM is my organic brand of choice

I love TOTM. I don’t just love the products, I also love what the brand stands for. TOTM is all about breaking the taboo and discussing vaginas openly. I find it empowering and I’m all about female empowerment! Like Beyoncé says “Who run the world? GIRLS.”

My friends were sick of me nagging them trying to get them to switch.  After going off and doing their own research, they now appreciate it and love TOTM!

I’ll leave you with this final thought – Why would you not be kinder to your vagina…it only deserves the best.

Thanks to Natasha for writing this blog for us! If you have any questions, drop us a comment below. Natasha has a fab YouTube channel where she talks about a range of topics from hair care to non-toxic living. Check it out here. Find out what another customer had to say about our products, by reading this informative article.
Natasha Williams TOTM Customer

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