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#SwitchStories: Lauren’s experience of switching to organic cotton period care


Our customer Lauren shares her experience switching to TOTM organic cotton period care. Read her switch story below #SwitchStories


It’s a life changer!


What is your first name?



Why did you choose to switch to TOTM products?

For a more natural life, and to make this endo hell a bit easier to manage


Had you used organic cotton period care products before using TOTM?



When using conventional period care products (non-organic) did you experience any discomfort or irritation?

Cramps so bad I could barely move, seriously heavy periods, general dryness and discomfort when using tampons


What TOTM products did you use/have you trialled?

Non-applicator tampons



Have you noticed any improvements since switching to organic cotton?

Yes! It’s a life changer! It’s taken 6 months, but I’ve gone from not being able to move off the sofa for 24 hours to being able to function at 90% of myself, rather than 5%. Periods are no longer something I have to plan my life around, they just happen and it’s okay and life carries on. I don’t dry out and I’m not so heavy I have to change my tampon every 20 minutes. Win!


Overall, did you find this was a negative or positive experience using the organic products? (Please consider performance, comfort etc)

Exceptionally positive


Any additional feedback?

Carry on fighting the good fight, team!


How likely are you to continue using TOTM products?

Extremely likely

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